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Course Introduction

Take the Hootsuite Social Marketing course and develop foundational social marketing skills to grow followers, engagement, and business results.

Video Transcript | Intro

The Google Ads Experience boasts one of the largest ad targeting networks online. Ads through Google are centered on the Google Search Network, Google Display Network, and on YouTube. Through these networks, ads can be shown on Google properties, Search Partners, in videos, and on mobile apps. 

Ad Placements and Campaign Types 

Where your ad will appear is determined by the campaign type you pick: Search, Display, Shopping, Video, and Universal App. You can also place Ads through third-party platforms, like Hootsuite Ads, or automatically with Smart Campaigns. Smart Campaigns automatically manage an ad after the initial setup. This option is great if you want to let Google improve your ad and determine the most relevant targeting options without taking time away from running your business.


The Search Network Campaign type uses keywords to target search results for your ad to appear with. This campaign type works with search results on Google Search Engine, Google Maps, and Google search partners. You can even set up local search ads to prominently display your business location when people search for nearby businesses.


The next Campaign type available is Display Network Campaign. With this campaign type, you can target people browsing YouTube, checking their Gmail, using their mobile devices and apps, and on their favorite websites. This campaign type is useful for reaching entirely new audiences and engaging your existing customers using data like remarketing lists. By putting your ads in front of people before they start searching for what you offer, you can keep your brand top of mind.


Shopping Campaigns are a specialized campaign type that require the use of Google Merchant Center to target ads using product data - rather than keywords. They are great for getting better-qualified leads and increasing traffic to your online store.


With Video Campaigns your video ads can appear on their own or with other streaming content on YouTube and on the Google Display Network. You can promote a longer video as a skippable ad or create a short, unskippable Bumper ad that plays before another video. You can also drive traffic to your video on YouTube, in YouTube search results, or on partner sites.

Universal App

Universal App Campaigns aim at promoting an app, targeting in-app conversions, or driving app engagement. This campaign type can appear across Google’s properties including the Search Network, Display Network, Google Play, and YouTube. With this campaign, you provide the text and Google will automatically use assets from your app store listing to generate ad variations. 

Measuring Success

Once you have set up a campaign, you can monitor its progress from within the Google Ads Overview page. Here you can view past campaigns, view analytics data, and explore additional tools for advanced users.

Check out our Help Desk to create Google Ads Search Campaigns.

Looking for more? Checkout our blog and learn how to create a social media strategy in 8 easy steps!