Advance your social media skills and career
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2H 30M
Course Introduction
Hootsuite’s free platform course provides the knowledge and skills to use the full suite of Hootsuite social media management tools. Learn how to utilize these tools to boost the impact of your social media efforts, driving results and proving your ROI.
Video Transcript | Intro
A Hootsuite Organization is the overall structure of how your company’s employees and social media networks are organized within Hootsuite. An Organization is comprised of teams, members, and social networks.
Within Hootsuite Organizations are permissions settings. These settings help control off-brand or accidental communications, limit password sharing, and give employees an efficient way to collaborate on the company’s social channels.
In this video you’ll learn how to create a Hootsuite Organization, and how to manage teams and permissions for individual users.
Hootsuite Organizations are dynamic - which means you can always change the structure, add and remove users, teams, and social networks.
Getting Set-up
If you’re just getting started with Hootsuite, create an Organization by clicking your profile picture and selecting share social networks. Next, choose an existing social network to add to your organization, or add a new one. Click connect to authorize the account.
If you’ve upgraded from a Free Hootsuite account, you can move your connected social networks into an organization.
Segmenting Users into Teams
Once your Organization is created, you can create teams to segment individual users into groups, and then give them access to specific social profiles.
Each organization starts with a single team, which can be renamed by clicking manage. You can create new teams whenever you add users to your Organization, or by clicking Add a Team.
Teams are great for organizing users by function or specific social accounts. For example, you might create a team for customer support agents, and assign them permissions just to Facebook. Please note that social accounts can belong to more than one team.
If you need to reorganize users within your teams, click on the team you’d like to edit. Hover over a team member, click settings, then remove them from the team. Now, click add button to insert that member into another team. Users can belong to multiple teams at once.
Setting Permissions
Users within an organization can have three levels of permissions: Super Admins, Admins, and Default. Think of these permission levels as a pyramid with super admins at the top.
Users with Default permissions form the base of the pyramid. They can view details for teams they’re on, and view social networks they have access to.
Admins and Super Admins have access to all social networks, users, and teams. Super Admins are the only users who can manage admins, vanity URLs, billing, and your organization’s profile.
Check out our features page to learn more about what you can accomplish with Hootsuite.