Advance your social media skills and career


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Course Introduction

Take the Hootsuite Social Marketing course and develop foundational social marketing skills to grow followers, engagement, and business results.

Video Transcript | Intro

The adoption of social media by companies large and small has been rapid and many are playing catch up to quickly learn the best ways to incorporate it into their business. For some companies, this has resulted in a disconnect between their social brand and their overarching brand and in some cases, a huge investment of time and resources with very few tangible results. To minimize wasted effort, time and data, it’s essential to spend the time to develop a comprehensive and unified social media strategy that complements your existing marketing objectives. 

What is a Social Media Strategy

So what is a social media strategy? Quite simply, it’s the strategic plan for how a company will incorporate social media into its business. A social strategy that’s aligned with essential elements of your business can help your company accomplish its objectives, whether they involve increasing customer satisfaction, generating more sales leads, or driving web traffic and higher revenue. A thorough strategy also provides clarity, guidance and documentation of your processes and policy to ensure optimized workflow and adherence to best practices across your organization. 

Building Your Own Strategy

This course will take you through the tactical steps of putting together your own social strategy document. Using the Social Strategy Template as you move through these videos, you can begin gathering the information necessary to create a comprehensive plan. If you have an existing strategy in place, feel free to work through it to confirm all the necessary elements are fully addressed. 

Looking for more? Checkout our blog and learn how to create a social media strategy in 8 easy steps!