Course Information

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Course Introduction

By taking this course you’ll develop foundational social marketing skills to grow followers, engagement, and business results.

Designed and produced in consultation with social media marketing strategists and practitioners, our industry-recognized Social Media Marketing Course and Certification give marketers practical skills they can implement and start seeing results right away.

Course Curriculum

  1. Chapter 1: [OPTIONAL] Introduction to Social Media Marketing

    Course Level: Beginner

    This chapter will introduce you to the most popular social networks used by businesses and how businesses and professionals engage on these social networks to accomplish their objectives.

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    Chapter 1 Overview

    Lesson 1: Introduction to Social Media Networks
    1.1 Facebook [Optional]
    1.2 Twitter [Optional]
    1.3 LinkedIn [Optional]
    1.4 Instagram [Optional]
    1.5 YouTube [Optional]
    1.6 Pinterest [Optional]
    1.7 Snapchat [Optional]
    Recommended Next Steps

  2. Chapter 2: Optimizing Your Social Media Profiles

    Course Level: Beginner

    This chapter will teach you which elements you should focus on for every network and the best practices to keep in mind so you can set your company up for business success.

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  3. Chapter 3: Social Media Strategy - from A to Z

    Course Level: Intermediate

    Learn about setting Goals, Objectives, KPIs, and Tactics, laying out timing and key dates, budgeting, defining brand persona and voice for social channels, incorporating content marketing into a social context, social media governance and crisis management, and measuring ROI.

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    Chapter 3 Overview

    Lesson 1: What Is a Social Media Strategy?
    1.1 The Value of a Social Media Strategy
    1.2 Essential Components of a Social Media Strategy
    1.3 Conducting a Social Media Audit

    Lesson 2: Setting Strategic Goals
    2.1 Setting Goals, Objectives, and KPIs
    2.2 Budgeting for a Social Media Program

    Lesson 3: Tactical Best Practices
    3.1 Tactics and Tools
    3.2 Factoring in Timing and Key Dates
    3.3 Specifying Brand Persona and Voice
    3.4 Putting Together a Content Game Plan

    Lesson 4: Operational Considerations
    4.1 How to Set Up the Roles and Responsibilities on Your Team
    4.2 Implementing Social Media Governance within Your Organization
    4.3 Creating a Crisis Management Plan
    Recommended Next Steps

  4. Chapter 4: Growing Your Advocate Community

    Course Level: Intermediate

    Learn how to grow a following of relevant, interested people and the unique benefits of different social networks from a community-building perspective.

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  5. Chapter 5: Content Marketing Fundamentals

    Course Level: Intermediate

    Learn how to craft a content strategy, best practices for content curation, creation, and sharing, as well as tactics for content measurement in this chapter.

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    Chapter 5 Overview

    Lesson 1: Creating a Content Strategy for Social Media
    1.1 The Value of Content and the Importance of a Social Media Content Strategy
    1.2 Creating a Content Strategy for Social Media
    1.3 Creating a Content Calendar and Using It Effectively

    Lesson 2: Content Curation and Creation for Social Media
    2.1 What is Social Content Curation vs. Creation?
    2.2 Internal Content Curation for Social Media
    2.3 External Content Curation for Social Media
    2.4 The Value of a Business Blog for Your Content Strategy

    Lesson 3: Best Practices for Growing Community Across Social Media Channels
    3.1 Effective Best Practices for Sharing Content
    3.2 Best Practices for Sharing Content on Twitter
    3.3 Best Practices for Sharing Content on Facebook
    3.4 Best Practices for Sharing Content on LinkedIn Company Pages
    3.5 Best Practices for Sharing Content on Instagram
    3.6 Best Practices for Instagram Stories
    3.7 Instagram Stories: Optimizing Your Story
    3.8 Best Practices for Sharing Content on Pinterest
    3.9 Best Practices for Sharing Content on Snapchat

    Lesson 4: Creating Content for Instagram
    4.1 How to Choose a Subject for Your Instagram Photo
    4.2 How to Take Instagram Photos on Your Phone
    4.3 How to Edit Instagram Photos
    4.4 Best Practices for Editing Photos on Instagram
    4.5 Instagram Stories: Getting Creative with Editing Features
    4.6 Advanced Instagram Hacks
    4.7 How To Shoot An Instagram-Worthy Flat Lay [OPTIONAL]
    4.8 Five Tips for Writing Great Instagram Captions [OPTIONAL]

    Lesson 5: Creating and Sharing Social Video
    5.1 Best Practices for Sharing Content on YouTube
    5.2 Best Practices for Social Video
    5.3 Best Practices for Live Social Video
    5.4 How to Edit Instagram Videos
    5.5 How to Use Instagram TV
    5.6 How to Run Your First Facebook Live [OPTIONAL]
    5.7 Behind the Scenes of a Facebook Live Event
    Recommended Next Steps

  6. Chapter 6: Social Advertising Fundamentals

    Course Level: Intermediate

    Take your social media marketing game to the next level with paid social media advertisements.

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  7. Social Marketing Certification Exam

    Included in purchase

    Take our exam now to earn your official certification—proving your expertise to employers and clients.

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    Or learn more about Social Marketing Certification